"Turkmen atlary"
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Serdar Berdimuhamedov congratulated the participants of the international event of railway workers in Turkmenistan

Galkynyş Group Members Awarded 10-Day Trip to Avaza – Turkmen Pearl of the Caspian Sea
Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the President of Turkmenistan on the victory of the Galkynyş equestrian group in Monte Carlo
Each member of the Galkynyş group received a 1,000 euro prize for their success in Monte Carlo
Galkynyş Equestrian Games Group Receives 3 Million Manat Prize from President of Turkmenistan
Serdar Pygyyev awarded the title of "Honored Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan"
Celebrations in honor of the victory of the Galkynyş group at the 47th International Circus Arts Festival were held in Arkadag
Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the members of the "Galkynysh" national equestrian team
Turkmen equestrian group “Galkynysh” took gold at the circus festival in Monte Carlo
National Equestrian Games Group “Galkynysh” Performed in Monte Carlo
A brave Alabay of 2024 has been chosen in Turkmenistan
The IV meeting of the International Association «Turkmen Alabay» was held in Ashgabat
Presentation of the UNESCO Certificate of Inclusion in the Nomination Art of Akhal-teke horse breeding and traditions of horses
Turkmenistan hosts festive horse races to celebrate Independence Day
The Chairman of the People's Council met with children who are interested in horse riding in the city of Arkadag
A national contest was held in Ashgabat
A long-distance horse marathon was held in Turkmenistan
Serdar Berdimuhamedov congratulated the participants of the international event of railway workers in Turkmenistan
The meeting of the managers and responsible representatives of railway transport agencies has started its work
The value of world culture
The President of Turkmenistan took part in the celebrations at the International Akhal-Teke Equestrian Complex
The President made a speech at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly
The President of Turkmenistan participated in the first meeting of "C5+1" multilateral cooperation
The autumn horse racing season has started in the country
Horse show jumping competition at the Ashgabat Equestrian Sports Complex.
Dashoguz Equestrian Sports Complex
Türkmen bedewiniň milli baýramy mynasybetli “Türkmenistanyň at gazanan atşynasy” diýen hormatly ady dakmak hakynda
Decree of the President of Turkmenistan
Halkara ahalteke atçylyk assosiasiýasynyň XIII mejlisi.
Uzak aralyga atly ýöriş bäsleşigi.
«Ýylyň iň owadan ahalteke bedewi» atly halkara gözellik bäsleşiginiň 2-nji tapgyry.
“Turkmen Atlary” invites to riding courses
Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti Halkara ahalteke atçylyk sport toplumyndaky dabaralara gatnaşdy
Halkyň ruhubelentligi hem-de döredijilik ylhamy — Watanymyzyň Rowaçlygy
2022-nji ýylyň 3-nji sentýabrynda Aşgabat atçylyk sport toplumynda Güýzki at çapyşyk möwsümine badalga berildi.
Ahal welaýatynda meşhur Akhan bedewiniň heýkeli ýerleşdirilen monumenti gurlar
Hormatly Prezidentimiz Serdar Berdimuhamedow baýramçylyk dabaralaryna gatnaşdy
Garaşsyz, hemişelik Bitarap Türkmenistanyň atşynaslaryna, bedew janköýerlerine we mähriban halkyna
Döwlet Baştutanymyz Serdar Berdimuhamedow Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň Ahalteke atçylyk toplumyndaky dabaralara gatnaşdy
Balkan atçylyk sport toplumyndaky baýramçylyk at çapyşyklary
Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti Serdar Berdimuhamedowyň Halkara ahalteke atçylyk assosiasiýasynyň XII mejlisindäki Çykyşy
Halkara ahalteke atçylyk assosiasiýasynyň XII mejlisi
Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti Ahal welaýatynyň edara ediş merkeziniň gurluşygynyň barşy bilen tanyşdy
Gazagystan Respublikasynyň Prezidentiniň Türkmenistana döwlet sapary başlandy
Behişdi bedewleriň watany Türkmenistanyň atçylyk düzümi ösdürilýär
Hormatly Prezidentimiz Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow Köpetdagyň eteginde guruljak athananyň taslamasy bilen tanyşdy
Hormatly Prezidentimiz Halkara ahalteke atçylyk sport toplumynda baýramçylyk dabaralaryna gatnaşdy
Milli Liderimiz Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň Ahalteke atçylyk toplumyna bardy
Milli Liderimiz Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň Ahalteke atçylyk toplumyna bardy

Today in Ashgabat the XXXVIII meeting of the Conference of heads and responsible representatives of railway transport enterprises of the member states of the Organisation for Co-cooperation between Railways begins. On this occasion, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov addressed the participants with a welcoming address, which, in particular, said:

“I sincerely congratulate you on holding the XXXVIII meeting of the Conference of heads and responsible representatives of railway transport enterprises of the member countries of the Organisation for Co-cooperation between Railways in independent neutral Turkmenistan.

Turkmenistan takes an active position in the development of transport and transit corridors, including in matters of cooperation at the UN and other major international organizations. Our independent country has put forward a number of constructive initiatives and numerous relevant resolutions in this direction.

Over the years, the UN General Assembly adopted the Resolutions submitted by Turkmenistan “The role of transport and transit corridors in ensuring international cooperation for sustainable development”, “Towards ensuring comprehensive interaction between all modes of transport in order to promote the creation of sustainable multimodal transit corridors”, “Strengthening links between all modes of transport to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”, “Strengthening links between all modes of transport to ensure stable and reliable international transport for sustainable development during and after the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic”.

Resolutions such as “World Sustainable Transport Day” and “Strengthening links between all modes of transport to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals” were also adopted, and November 26 of each year was declared “World Sustainable Transport Day”.

It should be especially noted that during the work of this important meeting, from April 16 of this year, the Sustainable Development Week of the UN General Assembly will be held in New York City of the United States of America and, within its framework, a ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends of Sustainable Transport, created on the initiative of Turkmenistan, and also a high-level meeting on sustainable transport.

Dear participants of the conference!

Turkmenistan, located at the crossroads of Central Asia and Europe, is consistently expanding its international transit capabilities by modernizing the material and technical base of the national transport infrastructure.

During the years of independence, the international railways Tejen–Sarakhs–Mashhad, Kazakhstan–Turkmenistan–Iran, Kerki–Ymamnazar–Akina and Serhetabat–Turgundi, the Zerger–Kerki–Kerkichi and Ashgabat–Garagum–Dashoguz steel highways, as well as the Kerki– Kerkichi and Turkmenabat-Farab railway bridges were built.

Consistently integrating into the transport system, Turkmenistan places among its priority issues the further expansion of the infrastructure of the main transport and transit corridors connecting important roads and modal centers along the North-South and East-West routes.

In confirmation of the above, the Ashgabat Declaration “Agreement on Transit and Transport Cooperation” (Agreement on the Lapis Lazuli direction), as well as the TRACECA transport corridor, was adopted following the results of the High-Level International Conference held in the Turkmen capital under the auspices of the UN in 2016.

Along with this, the necessary measures are being taken to develop the transport and transit corridor China–Kazakhstan–Turkmenistan–Iran and expand cargo transportation.

In addition, systematic work is being carried out between the railway departments of the member states of the Organisation to intensify the international multimodal transport and transit route Countries of the Asia-Pacific region - China - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Turkmenistan - Azerbaijan - Georgia - Türkiye - Europe.

Dear participants of the international conference!

Today, Turkmenistan, guided by the importance of establishing cooperation between the state and the private sector for the development and promotion of a multimodal transport and communication system, including railways, motor transport, waterways, ports, as well as attracting investments in this area, pays special attention to the creation of competitive national logistics companies.

As a member of the Organisation for Co-cooperation between Railways since 1994, Turkmenistan has been pursuing a coordinated transport policy aimed at the harmonious development of railway infrastructure at the national level, as well as transit international cargo transportation on a regional scale.

Dear participants of the international conference!

Dear guests!

Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on holding the XXXVIII meeting of the Conference of heads and responsible representatives of railway transport enterprises of the member countries of the Organisation for Co-cooperation between Railways.

I wish you good health, long life, family well-being and great success in your work!”