"Turkmen atlary"
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The meeting of the managers and responsible representatives of railway transport agencies has started its work

Serdar Berdimuhamedov congratulated the participants of the international event of railway workers in Turkmenistan
The meeting of the managers and responsible representatives of railway transport agencies has started its work
The value of world culture
The President of Turkmenistan took part in the celebrations at the International Akhal-Teke Equestrian Complex
The President of Turkmenistan participated in the first meeting of "C5+1" multilateral cooperation
The President made a speech at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly
The autumn horse racing season has started in the country
Horse show jumping competition at the Ashgabat Equestrian Sports Complex.
Dashoguz Equestrian Sports Complex
Decree of the President of Turkmenistan
Türkmen bedewiniň milli baýramy mynasybetli “Türkmenistanyň at gazanan atşynasy” diýen hormatly ady dakmak hakynda
Halkara ahalteke atçylyk assosiasiýasynyň XIII mejlisi.
Uzak aralyga atly ýöriş bäsleşigi.
«Ýylyň iň owadan ahalteke bedewi» atly halkara gözellik bäsleşiginiň 2-nji tapgyry.
“Turkmen Atlary” invites to riding courses
Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti Halkara ahalteke atçylyk sport toplumyndaky dabaralara gatnaşdy
Halkyň ruhubelentligi hem-de döredijilik ylhamy — Watanymyzyň Rowaçlygy
2022-nji ýylyň 3-nji sentýabrynda Aşgabat atçylyk sport toplumynda Güýzki at çapyşyk möwsümine badalga berildi.
Ahal welaýatynda meşhur Akhan bedewiniň heýkeli ýerleşdirilen monumenti gurlar
Hormatly Prezidentimiz Serdar Berdimuhamedow baýramçylyk dabaralaryna gatnaşdy
Garaşsyz, hemişelik Bitarap Türkmenistanyň atşynaslaryna, bedew janköýerlerine we mähriban halkyna
Döwlet Baştutanymyz Serdar Berdimuhamedow Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň Ahalteke atçylyk toplumyndaky dabaralara gatnaşdy
Balkan atçylyk sport toplumyndaky baýramçylyk at çapyşyklary
Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti Serdar Berdimuhamedowyň Halkara ahalteke atçylyk assosiasiýasynyň XII mejlisindäki Çykyşy
Halkara ahalteke atçylyk assosiasiýasynyň XII mejlisi
Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti Ahal welaýatynyň edara ediş merkeziniň gurluşygynyň barşy bilen tanyşdy
Gazagystan Respublikasynyň Prezidentiniň Türkmenistana döwlet sapary başlandy
Behişdi bedewleriň watany Türkmenistanyň atçylyk düzümi ösdürilýär
Hormatly Prezidentimiz Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow Köpetdagyň eteginde guruljak athananyň taslamasy bilen tanyşdy
Hormatly Prezidentimiz Halkara ahalteke atçylyk sport toplumynda baýramçylyk dabaralaryna gatnaşdy
Milli Liderimiz Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň Ahalteke atçylyk toplumyna bardy
Milli Liderimiz Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň Ahalteke atçylyk toplumyna bardy

The 38th meeting of the Council of Heads and Responsible Representatives of Railway Transport Organizations of the member states of the Railway Cooperation Organization began its work in Ashgabat. The large-scale event will continue until April 19.

Finland, France, Germany and Greece as observer states, managers and high-level representatives of railway transport organizations of 19 member countries of the Railway Cooperation Organization are participating in the forum.

At the opening ceremony, Mammethan Chakiev, CEO of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, read the Congratulation sent by the President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The Ashgabat forum will also mark the 30th anniversary of Turkmendemiryollary joining the organization.
The initiative will continue a number of important events initiated by Turkmenistan within the framework of transport diplomacy, which is being actively carried out by the country's government.