
Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the members of the "Galkynysh" national equestrian team

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Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the President of Turkmenistan on the victory of the Galkynyş equestrian group in Monte Carlo

Each member of the Galkynyş group received a 1,000 euro prize for their success in Monte Carlo

Galkynyş Equestrian Games Group Receives 3 Million Manat Prize from President of Turkmenistan

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Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated the members of the "Galkynysh" national equestrian team

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National Equestrian Games Group “Galkynysh” Performed in Monte Carlo

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The value of world culture

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Dashoguz Equestrian Sports Complex

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Decree of the President of Turkmenistan

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Milli Liderimiz Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň Ahalteke atçylyk toplumyna bardy

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, having completed his visit to Monaco, met with members of the "Galkynysh" national equestrian troupe, which performed at the Monte Carlo International Circus Festival, at the Nice International Airport. As reported by TDH, during the days of the Honorable Arkady's visit to Monaco, the equestrian troupe successfully performed at the international circus festival and was awarded the Golden Prize and other special awards.
Addressing the members of the "Galkynysh" troupe, the Chairman of the People's Council noted that Turkmenistan is developing cultural cooperation with the countries of the world, including the Principality of Monaco, and is carrying out large-scale work to develop national equestrian sports.
The National Leader of the Turkmen people said that the participation of the "Galkynysh" national equestrian troupe in the Monte Carlo International Circus Festival makes the Turkmen people very proud, and that the heavenly horses have been a close confidant of the Turkmen people for many centuries and have become a symbol of the country's development.
The Chairman of the People's Council noted with satisfaction that this team successfully performed in several international competitions and won the main prizes, raised the Turkmen flag high in all corners of the world, won the main prize 5 times at international circus festivals held in various countries, and earned the high title of world champion. "Here, today, you have also shone the Turkmen flag high at the international circus arts festival held in Monte Carlo and won the main prize. You have spread the fame of our Akhalteke horses throughout the world. I firmly believe that you will continue to successfully perform in international competitions and raise the fame of our national equestrian art," said the National Leader of the Turkmen people.
Gahryman Arkadag sincerely congratulated the members of the "Galkynysh" team on their great success and great victory in the first month of the new year - the Year of International Peace and Confidence, and wished them good health, family well-being, and further great success in their endeavors.
P. Bayramdurdyev, a candidate of agricultural sciences, People's Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan, rector of the International Equestrian Academy named after Aba Annayev, who served as the leader of the “Galkynysh” national equestrian games group established in 2007, proudly noted that the group has performed and won victories in various countries of the world, and that these victories are a clear result of the opportunities created by Gahryman Arkadag and Gahryman Serdar from Arkadag. P. Bayramdurdyev took the opportunity to sincerely congratulate and express his gratitude on behalf of all members of the group on the victory.
Gahryman Arkadag once again congratulated the members of the “Galkynysh” national equestrian games group on their wonderful victory and wished them success.
Then the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan departed from the International Airport of Nissa to Ashgabat. Several hours later, Gahryman Arkadag's plane landed at the Ashgabat International Airport. Here, the National Leader was greeted by officials of the country. Speaking to the representatives of the country's mass media, the Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan noted the significance of his visit to the Principality of Monaco and the bilateral talks held during it. Gahryman Arkadag emphasized that this visit will contribute to raising relations with European countries, including the Principality of Monaco, to a qualitatively new level and will open a new stage of cooperation between Turkmenistan and Monaco.